Polimom Says

XX for president!

It’s about darned time!

Poll finds readiness for female president

What’s been the hold up, anyway? It’s been obvious for years that America is stuck in a political rut.
Polimom’s had fingers and toes crossed for months, hoping to see a race between Hillary and Condi. Talk about leveling the playing field, while simultaneously pushing everybody’s hot-buttons! A choice between them would give everybody something to get behind (or in front of, depending…).
If, however, the next campaign for the White House includes only one of these ladies, Polimom thinks it’s a near certainty that such a race would devolve into a chromosomal bash-fest. In fact, those possessed of the fearless “Y” have already started trying to spin things:

“I don’t think the American people, if you look historically, elect angry candidates. And whether it’s the comments about the plantation or the worst administration in history, Hillary Clinton seems to have a lot of anger,” Mehlman told ABC’s “This Week.”

Sorry, Mehlman, but I don’t see Hillary as a seething volcano about to erupt. By the same token, Condi’s foot doesn’t fit the hair-trigger warmonger slipper, either:

Rice has a handicap because of her assiduous cheerleading for the disastrous war in Iraq. Before the U.S. attack, she appeared often on the Sunday talk shows to promote an invasion and warning that Saddam Hussein had a “smoking gun” that would turn into a “mushroom cloud.”
None of that was true, of course, but we have heard no apologies from her.

I do, however, sense enormous frustration from many Americans, who are positively disgusted with the American political scene.
Time for a change? Oh, yes! Please!?!