Polimom Says

Tasteless ain't racist

I’m still wandering the roads of Cinco Ranch, wondering when my truck’s going to be back-ended by a raving anti-Obama madman (or woman). So far, there have been nothing but odd looks… but down the road a few miles in Sugarland, things are a bit less refined.  From the Houston Chronicle:

SUGAR LAND — In case their Plantation Bend neighbors had any questions about how Doug and Wendy McKain feel about Barack Obama, the bumper sticker on their pickup could be a clue.
But when Chynethia Gragg spotted the sticker — depicting someone urinating on the name “Obama” — Sugar Land police say, she stopped to express her disapproval, and that’s when things got ugly.
Gragg, 35, has been charged with making a terroristic threat after confronting the McKains, telling them the sticker was racist, police said.

There’s enough irony here to start a metal shop. I mean… seriously. What were the odds of the vocabulary-challenged Ms. Gragg coming across somebody named McKain in a subdivision called Plantation Bend?
Truth really is stranger than fiction.
I couldn’t help wondering, though, how offensive that bumper sticker could have been. We’re talking about a piece of sticky vinyl 3″ tall, after all! Was it this one?

If so, it doesn’t even rate a faint *ping* on the racism meter. It does, however, get a buzz on the *tasteless* meter.
No laws against looking like one grew up in a barn, though. In fact, the Bill of Rights guarantees that the McKain’s are absolutely free to display their total lack of refinement on the back of their vehicle.
Meanwhile, I couldn’t help reflecting on my own back window. What would I do if some unhinged individual followed me all the way to my house to confront me and yell obscenities and threaten?
Ummm…. have I mentioned I live in Texas?

* * * * *

[Language warning for the following link]
If Ms. Gragg needs help distinguishing between racism and crudity, btw, this reaction to her story should clear things right up. These are the people we should all be worried about.