Polimom Says

Umbrellas (and other deadly weapons)

Adorable Child (AC) switched back into the public school system this year, and one immediate result is that she no longer has to be driven to school; it’s across the street.
This is, from all angles, an excellent arrangement… except for today, because at 3:30 pm (when school dismisses), it was raining outside.
So Polimom implemented the “rain plan” — which means I walked over to the school with two umbrellas.
I arrived with plenty of time to kill (about two minutes), and passed it talking with another parent. I told her that in the future, I’d probably just make sure AC had her umbrella in her bookbag with her, to which the other mom replied,

“Ummm. You better check first with the school. They might have a problem with that, as a type of weapon.”

Say what????
I’m sorry to say that I didn’t give this earnest, dedicated mom the respect she deserved. Instead, I followed my ever-so-slightly irreverent brain (with my mouth) down the path it wanted to travel:

“But… then… fists are weapons. Does that mean that we should require kids to leave their fists at home? But then… there’d be those stumps, ya know?”

And it went downhill from there, as I chased this silliness around for a minute or two.

“And those dangerous pens and pencils! What will they be able to write with if they can’t use them? AH! If we curtail the bloodflow from the stumps to a trickle…”

She was sincere about those umbrellas, I’m afraid… which means she was horrified at my response.
Am I missing something?