The potty-mouthed blogosphere

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  1. Gosh, Polimom, you might want to avoid reading this then — or at least put down the cup of coffee, and empty your mouth, before you do.
    I don’t know about the bile-invoking, but the Internet has probably been a cesspool about as long as it has been available to the general public. When the price of admission is less than $10/month, a lot of pretty seedy folks are attracted to it.
    At the same time, in order to clean it up, we would basically have to turn over a good part of our First Amendment “freedom of speech” rights to the government, which to me (and many others, I suspect) is probably a lot more bile-invoking.
    As is true with the TV and the radio, I think the best weapon we have is the little button that says OFF.

  2. When the price of admission is less than $10/month, a lot of pretty seedy folks are attracted to it.
    I think that’s partly my problem — the sheer numbers of these folks. I mean… who knew?
    Ultimately, you’re right. The OFF button is the solution — which means what? Abandoning the field to the foul?

  3. Not necessarily. I see it as similar to the admonition to live “in the world, but not OF the world.” Choosing not to go into the red-light district doesn’t mean you are going to abandon the city to the hookers and peep-show parlors. Choosing not to wallow in the mud with the pigs doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy bacon or pork chops (or go visit a farm.)
    Ultimately, you have your own little piece of the ‘Net, and you have to decide how you will tend it. Make it a place you would like to be (which is what I suspect you are already doing), and if enough of us do this, maybe someone will take notice (no guarantees, and I admit that my optimism is showing, but hey it’s worth a shot, right?)

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