Very few people ever forget to wish me Happy Birthday — not because I’m remarkably beloved or special, but because everyone is reminded of the date as it approaches.
“April 15th. Income Tax Day! Yuck!! Oh — that reminds me that I need to call Polimom.”
Ah well — at least they still remember me, which really is quite amazing when one considers how many years this has been going on now.
It’s been so long, in fact, that I’ve found myself having to stop and think about it when asked how old I am. (Embarrassing!) And the last few years, I’ve just kinda’ gone with whatever number pops into my head. I’ve strained credulity several times, for instance, with “I’m 28”, although Adorable Child frequently chirps in with “No you’re not Mom!”. (Thanks, kid.)
Unfortunately, this year’s “special day” was shaping up to be every bit as uninspiring as the last several. Until I came across Susan Boyle’s YouTube clip.
You’ll have to go here to watch — they’ve disabled embedding. (Trust me, this is a fun way to spend 7 minutes, though if you’re pressed for time, you can watch a shorter clip here, from CNN.)
Pretty fun, yes? And she’s my age. More — I bet she never says she’s 28.
So — While I can’t make any promises about what I’ll say down the road, I do believe I’ll fess up when asked how old I am for a while. They can’t possibly laugh any harder than they have in the past — or than they did initially at Ms. Boyle.
Happy Birthday to me! Feelin’ good, I am!
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