Back in January I introduced Rouge — one of two odd little critters Santa decided we needed this year.
You might not recognize him anymore from that picture, because he changed shells a couple of months ago. His new one’s a lot less interesting (imho), but they go where they will, and he’s still cute.
I’ve only gotten one or two good shots of Moulin though.
Not only is she much shyer, she came from the store missing one of her walking legs and wearing a ridiculously elongated shell that she had trouble maneuvering. (Come to think of it, the “shyness” probably stemmed from the physical limitations.)
About 5 weeks ago, though, Moulin and Rouge both burrowed to the bottom of their tank and disappeared for awhile. Rouge came back up from his molt about 10 days ago, but we didn’t see Moulin again until this morning.
The second thing she did was climb to the very top of a plant growing in the tank.
Clearly, having all one’s legs makes for a more nimble crab. Molting’s a good thing.
Oh… and the first thing she did? She changed shells. She’s now wearing Rouge’s old one.
This is going to get confusing, I think. LOL!
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