600 to 1 odds aren't nearly enough

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  1. Oh, wow, I am duly impressed… given the All-Star line up, including folks behind such earth-shattering documentaries such as “Jurassic Park” and “Terminator” — OF COURSE THIS MUST BE TRUE!

  2. I do have a personal conviction at stake. Even so I’m more interested in the truth than anything else. From the links above and others I’ve seen nothing that impacts my beliefs one way or the other. It’ll take more than a couple of names scratched on some stones to do that.
    So far it’s a spiffy little piece of fiction, nothing more. Free advertising for Cameron’s project. It’s just what they want.

  3. Pingback: etee's Blog
  4. I suspect that the odds are closer to 100-1. For a number of reason’s I also think that was Mary the teacher’s tomb. If her tomb was found in Israel that would be the place and the inscription. Jesus was such a common name that would be most likely not to be true.
    This is not like James Cameron’s movies but like his Find the Titanic documentary. He gets involved in high tech historical projects that he thinks will be a big draw.

  5. it was 1 in 600 that it was not his tomb. in other words, the people who who deny it, are doing more than holding on to their faith — they’re completely turning off their minds.

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