Lebanon, Israel, and a dialogue of hope

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  1. There’s some surprisingly frank commentary here in the Washington Post, including this brazen opening:

    The greatest mistake Israel could make at the moment is to forget that Israel itself is a mistake. It is an honest mistake, a well-intentioned mistake, a mistake for which no one is culpable, but the idea of creating a nation of European Jews in an area of Arab Muslims (and some Christians) has produced a century of warfare and terrorism of the sort we are seeing now.

  2. However, don’t forget that it was Europeans (the Roman Empire) who removed the Jews from this area some 2,000 years ago. And, as we learned in Kosovo, the folks in this part of the world have real long memories.

  3. EdT — interesting that you bring up those “real long memories”.
    I’ve been thinking about how differently we, as Americans, approach problems. Our collective memory is very short. As a country, the closest we can probably come to relating is the ongoing struggle for understanding and progress in race relations, and the ever-looming shadow of slavery.
    I’ve been thinking of it as the “sins of the fathers”…

  4. Salom,
    Thank you for the nice quote.
    The discussion continue and evolve now in :
    I guess I agree and not agree with Ed T. we must avoid our memories and we have to use them.
    we must avoid our memories and create plans from our universal knowledge of how people can leave together.
    The memories can be at use for us when we analyze our own cultures (Israeli, Jewish, Palestinians, Arab, and Lebanese) and create a new Middle-East culture. For Israel I guess it will be modification of its Zionist perspective and accept more regional world centric perspective. Israel need to be freed from its anti-Semitism fear and it’s unique definition of nationality. The Arabs will probably create more modern identity that accepts Israel as permanent member in this region economy and social existence.
    You probably notice that we do not have in our memories such case when this cultural transformation happened. We should ask ourselves how we can promote such complex cultural change.

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