Friday evenin’ was pouring rain, with tornado watches and thunder-boomers all around — so Polimom wimped out on those now-famous pig races on Baker Road. Since I’ve been real interested in all the hollerin’ and carryin’ on over there about …
One of the really nice things about digital photography is the ability to take nearly unlimited numbers of shots. Thus, you can have a lovely rose: And you can have it closer… Or you can capture a lovely dragonfly: And …
Via Andrew Sullivan: A reader notes: This is fantastic. If you go to The Corner right now: – The number of times the words “health care” is mentioned: 7 – The number of times the word “Iraq” is mentioned: 15 …
Polimom’s tired today; AC got up at 4:30 a.m. with what has since been diagnosed as the evil Strep Throat (bane of the public schools…). Sooo…. since I’m a tired mom sharing my computer with a sick ten-year-old, posting’s liable …