2x + y = disaster

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  1. Maybe it could be as simple(as thought anything dealing with the brain were) as humans living longer means that they develop certain brain functions later. If over time that adds up to only a matter of months later, that can be the difference of a grade for many students.

  2. Jack — I was confounded when I wrote this a year ago, and I’m no more enlightened now.
    It does seem, though, that the intervening months have brought quite a number of educational articles and studies about the failing middle schools. The experts seem to be blaming the structure of middle school itself (as opposed to older models), and there are quite a few experiments going on with various grade configurations to see what might work better.
    But having written this so long ago, it’s stuck in the back of my mind and bugged me. A theory I have floating in my mind relates a bit to your comment about cognitive development. What if the technological advances (as reflected in TV, and more recently computers) is spurring different regions of the brain, while others atrophy?
    Given that my own educational experience is sociology and psychology, brain development is, of course, a realm in which I have to claim complete ignorance.  Still — there appear to be a number of problems fueling the problems we’re seeing in the educational system(s).

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