Alternatives to abstinence

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  1. The National Center for Health Statistics says well over 90% of adults ages 20-29 have had sexual intercourse.

    Only 90%???? I’m stunned.

    With a 12% margin of error, of course 😉
    Seriously, I think the reason for this can be found in the reluctance of the government (or at least some folks in it) to implement policies that tend to be seen as ‘encouraging’ bad behavior. If you hand out info on contraception to teenagers and unmarried adults, it is seen as an official approval for unmarital sex. Likewise, the needle-exchange programs are seen in some circles as ‘endorsing’ entravenous drug abuse – which is a felony offense in pretty much every state in the Union. Again, on one hand the gummint is prosecuting drug abusers – while on the other hand the gummint is giving them the tools needed for drug abuse. Sure seems wrong, does it not? Maybe some judge & jury would see it as hypocricy, and toss a bunch of drug cases… I don’t know.
    I suspect, though, that ultimately it is a case of “back & white” without shades of gray. Sure, telling kids how to have sex without getting preggers or STDs isn’t as ‘good’ a solution as telling them to keep their pants on until they are married… but it is a heckuva lot better than a bunch of preggo teenagers w/ STDs! This is the dilemna some pols who are inflexibly “values-based” don’t (or can’t) comprehend – sometimes it is a matter of “the lesser of the evils”. This is why slavery wasn’t outlawed with the founding of the country – the Founding Fathers (and I suspect the mothers, as well) realized that if they didn’t budge from that hill, they would damn sure die on it – and take the whole country with them, as “the people” of the USofA simply weren’t ready to give up slavery at that time.

  2. It’s funny; for adults, not having sex leads to negative medical consequences. In men, for example, infrequent ejaculation increases the risk of infection. Promoting abstinence to adults, apart from being a ridiculous intrusion of government into one’s private life, is downright perverse.

  3. In men, for example, infrequent ejaculation increases the risk of infection.

    John – can you quote medical sources for that statement? Sounds like something I would have expected to hear from a teenager – and in fact it reminds me of the story of the “machaca” I heard when in Venezuela (where if a man were bitten by this bug, he had to have sex within 24 hours or he would die. Some men actually advanced this as a defense in their rape trial.)

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