A dropout crisis in the Lone Star State

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  1. After all, this state reported an 84% graduation rate, and Polimom’s nearest urban district (Houston) was only losing roughly 1/4 of its high school students.

    Yes, and as I recall this was the district with Sharpstown High School, where they had not a single dropout!
    Talk about fuzzy math…

  2. Very simple solution to all of this. 1) Move all campuses, K-11, (12 is redundant) to newly constructed 12 month bording facilities far out in the countryside away from the urban areas. Ensure these facilities are escape proof and are modeled after Chinese Communist work camp type facilities complete with the lil’ red scarf and such. Let the kids out twice a year to return to their families for leave, once in the summer (summer vacation) and once in December for the Winter Solstice Celebration). 2) abandon the idea that everyone is going to college and include trade school facilities for those best suited to crafts, skills, & trades. 3) Fire the teachers, abolish the teachers unions and force those who want to continue teaching to re-apply through 4) outsource the teaching at these facilities through an agency to China and France. Those wishing to re-apply as teachers would have to do so through that agency and be able to pass either the Chinese or the French standards for teachers.
    It’s not all that dificult. If a society and it’s members can’t get two out of three things that lead to this problem correct, the society and it’s members must ultimately stop living in a state of denial about that lack of ability and outsource the practices to those proven competent in the solutions to the problem. This society and it’s members get one of the three components, (procreation) correct but fail, as a whole, at parenting and education. Turn those over to competents.

  3. You have to admit that its very difficult to argue with students in the 8th grade about why learning algebra 2 in high school is going to help them earn more money at wal-mart and target.
    It is a problem that builds upon itself. If you have a dropout that goes on to have children, and the children see mom and dad make money without a high school diploma and if those parents aren’t pushing them to have a diploma then you have a hard fight to convince them otherwise. Having a high school diploma will statistically put you at a better advantage over the course of your life, but it does not show an immediate guaranteed benefit for all students.
    I know my local high school is growing in total student population. This past year was a record year for number of 9th graders. But last year’s graduation class was the lowest number in 20 years. Those kids go somewhere.

  4. Hi Polimom, I followed the links back from The Moderate Voice.
    Do you have any idea how the drop-out rate statistics handle mobile populations? I don’t know how big this is in Texas, but the mention of the border towns made me think about the large migrant populations in much of the West. If my family is migrant workers and I study 9th grade in one school and 10th grade in another, etc., have I dropped out 4 times, even if I end up with a diploma in a different state than I started in?

  5. Hi paca! Welcome to my alter-personality.
    The migrant population is a good question. I’ve read that the schools do, actually, try to keep up with students who leave one school and re-enroll elsewhere. But I haven’t seen anything that tells me they can track out of a district. So if a student enrolls in Houston but then goes to Dallas, and they don’t send for transcripts, I’d imagine they drop out of sight.
    Perhaps someone else has other information? I googled some and poked at the TEA site, but no luck.

  6. If school administrators did not know about the 50% dropout rates many urban schools suffer from, then why have they avoided posting current enrollment by grade, along with actual graduation numbers, on their schools web sites? It is a rather simple statistic that cannot be argued or debated, and every school has those numbers. Patterns over many years would be priceless inforamtion for the public. If the simple enrollment by grade for every school as well as every school district were simply posted on their web sites then the public could decide what the dropout rate is. The “mathematical magic” that gave Houston a single digit dropout rate could then be explained by the administrator claiming that single digit dropout rate in the backdrop of actual enrollment numbers by grade.

  7. I have to agree, Bill, that there’s probably been a fair amount of obfuscation and avoidance about these numbers. It doesn’t seem as if it’s rocket science…
    BTW — the project you’re running on your site is interesting. Do the kids enjoy doing it?

  8. Yes Polimon, our students appear to consistently love our project. It is voluntary and over 95% participate. We did a survey of the 400 students who wrote letters this past year. A 15 question survey was given both before and after the letter writing process. The results are online at http://www.studentmotivation.org/school_archive_letter_process_survey_2007.htm. You will note that just before the letter writing process about 65% of students said they would continue education after high school graduation. After the letter writing process that percentage went up to over 85%. That part of the process alone is positive. Also, current projections are for there to be 78 more students than in last years projection in the junior class at the main school our students go to. This is the first class that wrote letters back in 2005. It looks good!

  9. I forgot to mention that if you google ‘dropout cure’ our web site is now the first hit. This simple, low cost, popular project will hopefully soon spread to other middle schools as a Language Arts project with the resulting letters students write to themselves placed into a rotating time-capsule for 10 years until the class 10-year reunion.

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