An almost-subtle Obama hit piece

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  1. Having found your site via Sailer’s and Sullivan’s, I would hope you would read these two articles, which were mentioned on Sailer’s site previously, before being so dismissive of the racial angle to Obama’s story:
    Story 1
    Story 2

  2. No, I have not. I plan on checking it out shortly as soon as I have the time. Attending a university, I have trouble finding a much time for non-academic reading. Sailer has mentioned that Obama’s book is well-written though it has a “difficult prose style” which may make it less accessible to media types looking for something quick and easy. He seemed to be pretty impressed overall and I think he believes Obama’s books are worth checking out. As much as you might think Sailer is hard on Obama, I think Sailer finds him quite fascinating.
    I don’t want to give you the impression I particularly dislike Obama either. I think he is certainly a talented politician and speaker. I also certainly think he may have went through much more inner conflict than he let on over the years. I’m generally conservative, but I would much prefer Obama to Clinton if we have to have another Democratic president.
    I think you misrepresent Sailer. Sailer is not a Jared-Taylor-style white separatist. He believes there are real cognitive differences between races and I think he is correct. I don’t think we will witness the day when African-American will be as successful as Ashkenazic Jews, for example. But Sailer also believes white separatism is unrealistic given western civilization’s acceptance of romantic love. Sailer advocates something called “citizenism.” Citizenism basically holds that Americans should, as a nation, put their own interests ahead of those of would-be immigrants. I’ve never heard Sailer advocate that whites should not marry non-whites.
    In any event, are Obama’s books as good as I hear? What am I missing?

  3. johnson —
    We clearly have a different view of Mr. Sailer. I appreciate your candor, though.
    Re: your links — the reason I wondered whether you’d read the book is that the second of them (the one that’s most overtly attacking Obama), in spite of all its breathless “discoveries”, actually contained nothing that was not easily discerned from the book itself. The only bit of “new” info, in fact, was that Obama Sr. had lost both his legs. (If it was in Dreams From My Father, it didn’t make an impression on me.)
    I agree with you, though, that Sailer is fascinated by Obama. Many people are — including me, I suppose, although I’m more captivated by the impact his personal history, and person, are having on racial conversations in this country.
    But where you seem to see Sailer being hard on him, I see thinly veiled innuendo — more insidious, and less honest than a frontal attack.
    As far as whether the two books are good? or what you’re missing? Certainly that’s subjective. Personally, I found “Dreams” far more interesting. Neither of them are difficult prose, though, in my view.

  4. Sailer has written explicitly that he thinks people should marry whom they love regardless of race. Your “racial-purity advocate” bit then is just a smear.

  5. Jim — you’re right. I simplified far too much, and the terminology I used is misleading.
    I disagree profoundly with Sailer’s basic foundational premise: that race (i.e. racially-specific DNA) determines intelligence, or otherwise reliably and scientifically defines a group — and that policy should reflect this. Since I view intergenerational cultural / social / anthropological norms as the driving forces, I have a great deal of trouble with his writing. The moralistic guidance he thinks the “lesser” groups need, in particular, grates on me.
    This article on Obama, though, ticked me off specifically because of Sailer’s continual injection of “…and then he might…” and “…what if he…” innuendo. Effectively, he implies that Obama will somehow be unable to resist being drawn into the culture of his paternal African family — to play the “Big Man” — to the detriment of Americans.
    He additionally plays on the underlying American racial tensions by suggesting that Obama rejects his white family, or that Obama fails to see the flaws in his father. That does not come through from the book at all.

  6. “…I view intergenerational cultural / social / anthropological norms as the driving forces…” Doesn’t this imply you think blacks as group *do* have lower average intelligence, you only disagree with the cause being DNA? Be honest with yourself man. Follow your thoughts through.
    Meanwhile, your smear is traveling ’round the world.

  7. Doesn’t this imply you think blacks as group *do* have lower average intelligence…”

    No, it doesn’t.

    Be honest with yourself man. Follow your thoughts through.

    Jim, I’ve met far too many stupid white people to hit your crack pipe.
    And I’m amused by your concern for Sailer’s reputation. Relatively speaking, I was downright complimentary.

  8. You wrote that you disagree with Sailer that “race determines intelligence” but instead “view intergenerational cultural social anthropological norms as the driving forces.” Driving forces of what?
    Your comment about having met stupid white people: do you understand the meaning of average?

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