So — I can’t make up my mind.
Do you think these folks help with embarrassing personal grooming problems? Or is this who you call when someone’s harrassing you?
This is what Polimom had for the Mother’s Day meal: Dear Husband (DH) and Adorable Child (AC) discovered that this works really well for getting out of a doghouse. Perhaps such an approach will help my dear friend Jon Swift? …
Televisions are very nearly ornamental in my house; I detest them. However, as Adorable Child (AC) approaches the dreadful Middle School Morph, I’ve been spending more evenings in the den with her (and sometimes her friends), watching various programs, and …
Speculation has been rampant on both the left and right recently about whether conservatives have a sense of humor. If this isn’t it, then what does a sense of humor look like? Did conservatives have “it” at one time and …
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