In a ground-breaking move Thursday, the Texas Senate passed a bill approving new license plates that read “Choose Wife” — thus allowing Texans to publicly display their concern for high divorce rates in the state.
The bill now moves to the House. If it passes there, concerned Texans will be able to order the metallic bumper stickers plates as soon as this fall. Like all vanity plates, they will cost more than the dry, boring, non-politicized plates, but ten percent of the higher cost will go toward Texans massive unpaid child support payments — a goal we can all agree on.
More on this bill, and related supporting legislation, can be found here at The Moderate Voice.
Polimom Says Articles.
Long and long ago, Conservapedia proved beyond any shadow of a doubt that conservatives have a sense of humor. But the jury’s been out about liberals. Until now. Jon Swift weighs in. (My goodness, how I’ve missed him…)
My jaw pretty much hit the floor when I saw the cover of the July 21 New Yorker. (Photo from The Politico story, here) I mean… an Afro-wearing, AK47-slingin’, boot-stompin’ Michelle fist bumpin’ a Muslim Barack in the Oval Office? …
From Reuters: MADRID (Reuters) – Spain’s parliament voiced its support on Wednesday for the rights of great apes to life and freedom in what will apparently be the first time any national legislature has called for such rights for non-humans. …
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