Earl, and People in Glass Houses

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  1. I hope Earl gives you a complete miss! My recollections of a couple of hurricanes in Boston and DC is that they can indeed be bad… but they’re just not as intense as a storm that’s just come in off the Gulf.
    Your place looks absolutely lovely!

  2. Hi John — how nice to hear from you! And thank you! We’re loving it here.
    Yes, I’m hoping for a complete miss too. I’ve done my time in the trenches, thanks. LOL!

  3. I’m watching Earl and sure hope you can keep the leaves on your trees and don’t get any damage to your new home.
    Tell your Mom I’m thinking of her and that some of us are going to lunch at Sorrento’s tomorrow. (That is where we were in the group picture I sent)
    Hope the new school is working out for Adorable Child. I always thought it was very exciting to be the “new kid in school.”

  4. Hi Jacky — I’ll bet you ARE watching Earl. You’ve interests down where that first near-hit will be. Hope all will be okay there.
    I’ll tell her about Sorrento’s. And yes, Adorable Child is loving the new school (so far).

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