I think we should just ban electric guitars

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  1. The first thing I thought of whilst watching this part of the show was the obviously phallic nature of the guitar. It’s glaring and Prince is too smart of a guy for it to be an accident.
    But no big deal. There are too many real problems to worry about an impish prank like this.

  2. I’ll bet that David Bianculli was just jealous… Maybe he will try some of those remedies advertised in all the spam he receives now?

  3. There are too many real problems to worry about an impish prank like this.

    Actually, I’m finding things like this are quite the relief from all the other worries. (smile…)

  4. 1) Was the NFL unaware of Prince’s music and reputation?
    2) Didn’t they preview the show?
    3) An unitended consequence of outcries over public decency is they provide a challenge to those who like to stretch the envelope.
    The symbolism was obvious but somehow not as out of place as Janet Jackson’s wardrobe malfunction which my sister has pointed out wasn’t all that much different from the normal NFL cheerleader outfit. Which is a way of saying that most of our sporting events have elements of softcore porn. The question is where to draw the line.
    Why do I have the feeling that the new Super Bowl attraction is not going to be the game or the commercials but the half time show?

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