If you have to ask, you can’t afford it

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  1. Cost Of War With Iraq:
    “Marine Corps Lt. Col. Roseann Lynch, a Pentagon spokeswoman, said on Monday that the Iraq war was costing the United States $4.5 billion monthly in military “operating costs” not including procurement of new weapons and equipment.
    Lynch said the war in Iraq had cost $173 billion to date.”
    Source: June 9th, Reuters “Cost of War Should Reach $2 Trillion”
    Link: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060110/ts_nm/iraq_cost_dc

  2. What the hell are “operating costs” not including new weapons and equipment. Soldier paychecks? An electric bill? Seems that if I own a business and have to buy a new copy machine that it is part of operating costs, but I’m not a business major.
    This whole thing is scary.
    There is a rally tomorrow at the Corps of Engrs building. http://www.levees.org has the info. Some of their sign suggestions are You flooded us now help us. Sounds reasonable to me.
    2 trillion, now there’s a number I can’t even begin to wrap my head around. Wonder what kind of levees we could build with THAT.

  3. Polimom, you are so right. What we had before just ain’t good no more. Congress and the President need to tell us now–are we worthy or not. Don’t string us along.
    Keep up the good work.

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