Making changes

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  1. My dear, I so understand. My daughter and my 6 yr old grandson moved in with us almost a month ago, and as you’ve probably seen, I haven’t written anything, although I have notes piled up over the monitor with things I want to write. I just can’t find the time between registering him for school, and responding to “Boba, look at what I can do!” It’s been a very difficult time here too, but I’m not giving up yet. I think, that although I loved Polimom, Too, that sometimes something has to give before your sanity does.
    I’m trying to find that balance now.
    I’m hoping you are doing better than I am with the “what’s wrong with me that I can’t balance it all” thing! Finding out at this late date that I’m not superwoman has been an eye opener!

  2. I certainly understand your predicament, and you have my sympathy. I too have experienced this feeling, and have discovered that the care and feeding of a blog sometimes requires more than I am able to give.

  3. Do you think that part of your “dry spell” had to do with the distinctly nasty turn some of the comments over at PM2 were taking? I am somewhat surprised that RWS is holding up as well as she appears to be — I am not sure I would last too long in that pressure-cooker myself!

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