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  1. We feel blessed that there is so little damage in AP…but is it correct to assume we should not try to get back?
    Is thre any way to make our place available to someone who needs shelter?

  2. Thank you so much for your updates. I live in Vancouver, Canada and I am relaying your information to my best friend who is Algiers Point resident who has taken refuge in Lake Charles. She doesn’t have access to the internet so I have been calling her with your updates. She has been thrilled to hear news from Algiers.
    Her husband is a fireman so he stayed in New Orleans. She hasn’t heard from him in over 30 hours now so she is getting a little frantic as the reports of lawlessness increase. I am sure that he is just working around the clock trying to help people and he probably can’t get a line out to call her.
    If you friends are able to get to her place, it is 276 Elmira. Even if they aren’t able to get there, please just keep any news from Algiers coming. Thanks so much…

  3. We live in the Algiers Riverpoint development at Atlantic and Patterson. We were worried about an 87-year-old neighbor who was at the Hyatt … Learned this morning that Betty and her brother George sailed out of New Orleans on the Creole Queen, piloted by her nephew Brian! Thought I’d share some GOOD news!

  4. Thank you so very much for the information you are providing. If your Kabel Street “source” is still around, is there any chance he/she can check on 3560 Rue Mignon for me? I’ve got a huge oak in the front yard that I’m hoping has spared my home, and my neighbors. Thank you again.
    ME in FL

  5. Does anyone know anything about Woldenberg Village (WillowWood nursing home, The Azaleas assisted living, The Villas) on the westbank (Algiers) located at 3701 Behrman Place? I understand that they did not evacuate.

  6. Hello, My mom lives at 101 Rhodes Ave. (Woodland and MacArthur). How is that area? My mom has ALOT of big trees any information would be greatly appreciated.

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