Preaching to the partisan choirs

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  1. I was for McCain in 2000, not so much now. I was leaning Obama this go round, and this Republican convention changed that “leaning” into “solid”. If McCain was the nominee in 2000 and gave that speech, I would have believed him. After watching what he has done for the last 8 years, he’s not the “maverick” he once was, and his calls for working together seemed empty.
    As for Sara Palin, her background scares me. I am having a hard time understanding this VP choice, as it seems like in the long term, once everyone gets past the initial surprise of her selection, the only people she will appeal to is the Republican base. Most moderates/independents I have talked to are either being cautious about her, or already dislike her positions.

  2. Hi Glenn —
    Since there’s so very little information on Palin’s positions on pretty much anything (outside provincial Alaskan issues), it’s hard to know what to think about her. That paucity of data, if it continues, will make it impossible for many to vote for that ticket at all, I think.

  3. YES!!!!! I finally find someone who is a fiscal conservative and social liberal…..I TOTALLY understand where you’re coming from…..I left the Republican party when GWB beat the 2000 McCain….They turned too far to the right on their social agenda and their reckless economic policies have increased our national debt and turned our budget surplus to a 400 BILLION deficit….the party of Teddy Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, and Barry Goldwater is DEAD! On the other hand, I loved the preliminary message Obama portrayed in 2007 was great when he said repeatedly how we need to turn the page to the Clinton and Bush years….However, I cringe when I hear his tax position and increase-government economic agenda, as well as seeing how he refuses to move towards the center……I am a moderate Independent in the same position as you….I seriously do not know what to do in November…….I’m now waiting for the debates……Can’t wait for your next blog…..

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