The Big Spin

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  1. Tying our aid to ANWAR (and knocking the legs out from under the Baker plan) simply demonstrates the continuing callous disregard of the current leadership for the people of the Gulf Coast.
    We’re not forgotten. We just another piece in their Grand Plan, and the consequences for actual people on the ground are far from their thoughts.

  2. ah, southpaw… your comment tempts me down a road I’m reluctant to travel.
    I guess the old adage “Two wrongs don’t make a right” would be close to a summary of why I object here.
    Leaving out the complex debates around fossil fuels and alternative energy sources (that would be the road I’m trying to avoid)… there is already a terrible wrong that needs “righting” along the Gulf Coast. Trying to right that wrong with another – however inevitable it may or may not be – just doesn’t sit well with me.
    It’s not as if there are no other sources of funding.

  3. It’s no more “wrong” than drilling anywhere else on the planet for something we all use (directly or indirectly) and will continue to use everyday for the rest of our lives

  4. Frankly, I don’t think ANWAR should be allowed to open until Louisiana gets the same deal as Alaska for severance taxes, including offshore.
    I’m still not comfortable with ANWAR, but we’re going to have to make ugly deals with uglier people who are running DC right now to get anything.

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