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  1. Polimom,
    Perhaps McCain just figures that all the cameras will be in the gulf coast, so if he wants any airtime that’s where he’ll have to be.
    Or, maybe he’s decided that some footage of him filling sandbags and passing out water bottles will put to rest that pesky age thing . . . . .
    IMHO, he (and Palin) would be better off staying away this week and letting Bush & Cheney soak up the gulf coast hurricane coverage. He and/or Palin could then tour the place next week, with Bush and Cheney safely out of camera range.
    Just sayin’ . . . .

  2. Yes, I agree (generally) with you, TM. This week would be a dandy time for political aspirants to keep their opportunistic rear ends out of the storm region.
    But Bush and Cheney don’t need to be “soaking up” the coverage either. They should be doing their jobs. Thus far, I should add, they seem to be doing exactly that.

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