A new toy

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  1. The next shot I will probably be of AC, who’s still asleep at 11:45 am

    In that case, I would suggest you put the camera up, and lock the bathroom door, next time you are taking a bath; payback can be such an itch…

  2. Oh nononono…. payback’s a game in which she dares not indulge. I have far too many candid shots of AC, any and all of which will serve me very well in the future. If she wants her prom date to see those, of course, she can take up this gauntlet, but I’ll probably advise her against it.

  3. Ah, yes… the “prom date” gambit. Didn’t work on my son, as he didn’t go to the prom. But, then, I didn’t have any really bare skin rug or bathtub or other [CENDOR]ed photos of him, either…

  4. Mmmmmm… a nice new camera. Polimom must have been pretty nice this year – or else she paid someone off to get on Santa’s ‘nice’ list 🙂
    Given that it is a Nikon, you might want to check out the Nikon school over at Houston Camera Exchange. These things can get a bit complex (I am still trying to figure out what some of the features on my Canon are for), and it might not hurt to spend some time with folks who really know the product.
    Other than that, you might read Steph Davis’ Shutterblog over at chron.com, starting close to the beginning (and skimming over the stuff you know.) Another good read is “Photography Your Way” by Chuck Delaney. Not just for the photography things, but also for some of his ‘stuff of life’ thoughts (in fact, as I read his “Basic Postulates” in Chapter 13, I thought about the types of things you write about, and gained a bit more understanding for the real value in diverse opinions.)
    Last, but not least – go out and use the durned thing. Take pictures – lots of them. Some you may find worthy of putting up on your blog and sharing with all of us, others you may want to keep private, sharing only with your friends and family. There is IMNSHO a lot of similarity between the creative processes involved in making a photograph and writing a blog (though photography is so much more visual), and you may find they complement each other a lot.

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