And along those lines (the Duke incident)

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  1. I resent the media offering up recommendations about the type of demeanor and posture one should take about an incident when that same restrain was not present in the media nor even in this Newsweek account. Newsweek and other white controlled media outlets salivate over the intersections of race, class and of course sex, the media is an industry which needs trainwrecks and sleeze.
    Newsweek since it decided to be a tabloid carrier for this saga could have elaborated on the the depth of moral decay in white families which created the kids they send to great universities like Duke. Newsweek could have explored how black woman feel about exotic dancing as a means to an end .
    Newsweek had a great opportunity to display the relationships between a elite university like Duke with a Black college in it’s shadow North Carolina Central and how this factor was just as significant as the relationship between Duke students and the city of Durham . But that story is not juicy and seductive as young white males with sexual fantasies and black woman meeting those needs,
    I am ignoring any recommendations by Newsweek or any other media outlet regarding this ugly tale. I reserve the right to evaluate and define reality from my vantage point…

  2. I must admit that my initial reaction was that it it turned out to be a good thing that some idiot called 911 for the wrong reason. I thought that only a moron or narcissist would call 911 because she had been insulted (no matter how hateful the insult) but at least in this case it would make it easier to prosecute the (insert epithet of your choice). Now I’m wondering if I was incredibly naive, though I haven’t really been following the story.

  3. A tale of two cities! Duke/NCCU, Vanderbilt/TSU&Fisk (Nashville TN), Georgia Tech/Morehouse& Spellman, et al (Atlanta GA), FSU/FAMU (Tallahasse FL), Georgetown/Howard (Wash. DC), Univ. of Memphis/Lemoyne-Owen College (Memphis TN). The list goes on and on. Our forefathers set up a skewed culture and society based on artifivial priviledge. These institutions and the “elites” that are spawned by them should not come as a suprise to us. Remember this biblical truth, “and the sins of the fathers shall be visited upon the third and fourth generations of their children”.

  4. I dont think the rape occured, atleast based on the dual statements made by the DA and the victim. DNA- the holy grail of criminal forensics has been put on the back burner and I have to wonder – why? If the “rapists” were thoughtful enough to use condoms, dont you think they would be careful in sending out email messages? The email message seems like a pumped athlete being casual and silly about serious things like killing people. Then the overshadowing allegations of ‘racism’ and ‘sexism’ encourages observers to be biased against the players. I think this is a witch hunt called on by people who want to perceive everything in black and white. Feminists who otherwise would strongly attack ‘exotic’ dancers are now backing up one, dont they have any loyalties?

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