Adorable Child stayed at a friend’s house last night, so she doesn’t yet know what’s waiting for her here at home.
Polimom and Dear Husband, otoh, have known about this since 4:30 am, when the doorbell rang. And when we didn’t rush downstairs, it rang yet again, accompanied by pounding.
Evidently it frustrated them immensely that we didn’t race downstairs and outside.
But you see, we already knew what was out there. Didn’t even have to peek out the window (though of course we did!).
Because this was payback. Adorable Child and a flock (gaggle?) of her girlfriends had gone to someone else’s house earlier. And been caught.
I told her that she really didn’t want to be caught.
You may be wondering how it came to pass that I was even having such a conversation with her.
Good question.
Let’s just say that I can think of worse things they could be up to.
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