Cautious jubilation in the middle

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  1. …as glad as I am to read that this morning, I’d like to know where it’s been for the last six years.

    I think you missed the point in the passage you quoted: Bush “forged a strong working relationship with a legislature led by conservative Democrats.”
    I would actually place them as conservative-to-moderate. So to answer your question with another: where have the conservative-to-moderate Democrats been these past six years? None of the current Demo leadership fit that profile (that is,before the election), so I am going to wait – without holding my breath – to see if their change is real, or just making nicey-nicey after the election.

  2. “I am going to wait – without holding my breath – to see if their change is real, or just making nicey-nicey after the election.”
    I’m not waiting. For the first time ever, I’m pushing. If we wait until the dust settles, the ravers (and they exist on all sides) may begin to sway these folks. Whether they’re newly elected or newly empowered, they need to hear the voices along with the votes.

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