Dear President Bush (a letter from tomorrow)

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  1. There *is* hope, after all… 🙂
    I recently experience something similar with Mine Own Offspring. One tends to think of teenagers as videogame-playing automatons, oblivious to the events of the outside world. While offspring is more than somewhat cynical/pessimistic about the current political situation (a condition he inherited from me, I suspect), he has decided his most favorite place to hang out is the local Barnes & Noble. Part of it is the fact he can feed his caffeine habit (whoever assured us that “coffee stunts your growth” should be taken out and shot), but part of it is the presence of all those wonderful books. He has become quite a reader, and today I heard (via the spouse) that he has decided he needs something that is “a bit more challenging.”
    So he has decided to read “War and Peace”. And not the Cliff Notes version, either.

  2. AC and her friend still believe they have a voice; they write, not to a teacher or a senator or a governor, but to the top guy — and they expect an answer (you’ll have to trust me on this).

    Who knows, maybe someday she will be Polimom, Too 😉

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