Jesus Camp

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  1. It’s hard to imagine how someone could see Justin Gardner’s post as somehow qualifying him as an “enemy of the nation”. One assumes a scheduled medication has been missed.
    Tom — I don’t know whether you read through the comments thread for Donklephant’s post, but it brings some larger issues into play. For instance, it’s apparent that a number of Christians felt obliged to defend the “Jesus Camp” because they were termed “evangelicals”. Straight onto the defensive they went, and I’m strongly reminded of the oft-heard call for moderate Muslims to “do something” about the extremists in their midst.
    It’s odd that pots and kettles so rarely recognize one another, even when sitting on the same stove.

  2. My meds are for my heart and circulatory system. As you’ve been told I am dying but my mind is fine and I can see, once again, you’ve (ONE? *LOL*) gotten bad info from a bias source. I wonder why blogs, especially “common” blogs, are no longer so highly featured on the index page?
    And one reason I find Gardner an enemy of the nation is such incorrect, but subtle statements as, “Many of them seem to have contempt for the separation of church and state,..”
    Please find in the Declaration of Independence, PreAmble, Constitution, or any Articles and Amendment thereof the words the term separation of church and state or anything close to that term? On the other hand, find in those same documents references to God or a Higher Being?
    Put it up on a scoreboard-like format and see what the Founding Fathers really believed! If you dare.
    Just so you know, the churches of Southern Baptist Convention and most other Baptist churches have used the pledge to the Christian Flag every morning at Vacation Bible School for at least 50 years, probably longer I just can’t personally be bear witness before that.

  3. Noting your statement “but our freedom to vote is our biggest vulnerability” it says you are afraid of the citizens of America. I find that very telling of your love of and devotion to your(?) country.

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