Legitimizing Anarchy

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  1. unfortunately, the BBC is right. I have lived in france as a foreign student and i can attest to this fact: french people hate foreigners. it’s the root cause of all this. not that this kind of violence is justified though, same as beheadings are not justified either, but it’s a cause and effect process.
    it should serve as a remainder i think to all white supremacists and other nuts that intolerance only brings along more intolerance.
    still, with all the exposed racial problems during katrina, the us of a is still miles ahead in tolerating, integrating and accepting foreigners and minorities. this is why i am (still) here, and especially in new orleans, the most tolerant city we have. let’s just hope we don’t turn into the white xenophobic crowd that the french are these days…
    as for the maghrebins, who are the group inciting the violence these days in paris, lets not forget where they come from: a country occupied and transformed by the french, an experiment in the democracy propagated by a failing empire. iraq analogies anyone?
    but then again, violence in any form should not be tolerated. neither should the intolerance.
    some days i feel isolationism might work. and noninvolvement. but then i remember that the world is flat and global… so maybe the new orleans model of letting the good times – and the people who are different – roll, and come and go, is working better?

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