Pedophiles and partisanship (updated)

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  1. I have read what I thought to be all the released emails. The emails by themselves do not really send off alarms to me. It is with them together that questions come about. For one, why did Foley keep sending emails to the kid if the kid wasn’t responding? That is what I think damages Foley in any defense he may have had about just being friendly. The second point I wonder about is what did the kid know about being around Foley already that he decided not to respond to his emails? The kid willingly gave his email to him, and said that he didn’t think anything wrong with that at the time, so what was it about the emails later that he decided not to respond to them (even the ones before you could argue were starting to get questionable).
    It just seems like maybe the kid knew something about Foley and that you have had to have known him to pick up faster on there being something odd about the emails. The chat stuff I totally understand as being beyond question though.
    Perhaps if all the other Reps knew was of just these sorts of emails, then that is why there may have been uncertainty about taking some sort of action. It could have just been that if he was your friend, and you wanted to believe him that he was just being friendly, then it would have been difficult to do something harsh to his career if you didn’t have any more clear evidence of wrongdoing.

  2. If all the allegations against Foley are true, what’s the surprise? Evil, or if you’d rather, illness has no political party. This shouldn’t be a political issue, it’s a criminal issue.
    If true, he and Clinton belong together. I hope their names are mentioned together in disgust for the rest of their lives. They’re both perverts and sex addicts. Drown the b_stards and be done with it.
    I do have a nagging question. If this happened in April and so many people knew about it, why is it coming out just before the mid-term elections? Is political timing the most important issue here or the criminal activity alleged against Foley? If the answer is political-timing, the people behind that are at least as sick as the alleged Foley activity.

  3. The first e-mails released were said to be innocuous, but they weren’t. Foley was clear doing some pedophiliac “grooming” of this kid. The later e-mails, released by ABC a couple of days ago are extremely graphic.
    Foley has long been known to be gay, but until now, the “R”s have covered up his chicken hawk proclivities.
    One wonders if the heat will be enough for Charlie Christ to catch fire too.

  4. Frank —
    I’m interested in what, exactly, the GOP leadership knew… and when they knew it. It’s pretty convoluted at the moment, but there’s the post-Katrina email to the page in Louisiana (which was the first one I read about and didn’t comment on), and then there’s the avalanche of other information.
    If there was a cover-up, I can’t imagine a single reason for such a thing other than political power preservation.
    And Foley’s homosexuality isn’t the problem here. Pedophilia spans the sexual-orientation possibilities.
    I am, however, appalled that people out there in blogospheric never never land can’t distinguish between consensual sex between adults and the stalking of a 16-year-old.

  5. The initial e-mails released last week seemed so innocuous that I had a very hard time understanding what the fuss was about. It looked, on the surface, like the Dems were really making a nonsense claim. But then he resigned, and I said to my mom Friday night, “There must be something we don’t know yet, because what I saw was not something you resign over.” Now I see the chat transcripts and dang if he’s not a naughty, naughty man.
    As for Laz’s query about making political hay about these allegations, I can only say this: Let’s say you’re a reporter. In April, somebody sends you that original e-mail that we saw Friday. You do the right thing & contact Foley’s people, who say, “It’s nothing. Very innocuous, all about keeping in touch for future job recommendations.” You’re a local reporter with no Washington connections to poke further, and anyway your boss tells you not to waste your time chasing something that is so obviously laden with politically charged libel/slander potential. So you ignore it, but it’s always simmering there, waiting for another rumor, another tidbit of e-mail, an online chat transcript…. One day, you finally get a hook, you pull it, and the rest of the slime oozes out.
    In fairness, if I were the reporter ‘tipped off’ about the initial e-mails that I saw on Friday, I would have ignored it, too. As for the timing of the final nail in the coffin, whatever made this more than a couple of innocuous e-mails, there’s probably a political motive, but you know, if the Republicans knew about this LAST YEAR, then they could have taken care of the problem back then, all by themselves. But no, they let it continue/fester and now they want to complain that it’s only coming out because of politics? Oh-ho, no you don’t.

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