For our anniversary this year, Dear Husband bought four tickets to yesterday’s game between the New Orleans Saints and the Houston Texans… and what seats they were!
For a die-hard Saints fan like Polimom, this was awesome! But although he could provide the tickets, and he could get us safely to (and into) Reliant Stadium — an adventure in its own right — he couldn’t help the Saints play.
Too bad, cuz they could have used his assistance; the whole game pretty much looked like this:
Hard to play well when the quarterback is colliding with his team-mates, yes? (And this disastrous play was followed immediately by a fumble on the 1 yard line… )
On the good news side, the punter got lots of practice.
You know — in some ways, the Saints’ playing like garbage is comforting — kind of like a well-worn pair of jeans. On the other hand, it sure would be nice if last year’s Saints would come out to play a bit more often this year…
Wow… he DID manage to score some tix. Sorry that the Saints didn’t play better (OK, not really.)
EdT — PFFFffffftttt!!!!!
A lot of disappointment here in the New Orleans area – people aren’t really sure what to make of the lack of production compared to last year. I’m working halfway between BR and NO, so most people at work are much more interested in LSU right now.
Well, I could have mentioned that, had DH managed to get hold of 7 more tickets, he would have scored more than the Saints did.
But, I didn’t.
Ahhhhh EdT — you’re cold cold cold!! LOL! I’ll have to come up with something really uplifting and empathetic when the Texans get bruised this coming weekend, just to show my very deep appreciation.
Glenn — yup yup yup! I’m very happy about LSU also! Certainly something to feel good about, even with the Saints having reverted. (sigh…) But I’m thinkin’ there’s still some pop left in the Saints season — won’t be a total fizzle….