Some links for Pesky Ike (What a pain in the patootie!)

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  1. Now that Josephine has completely disappeared from the picture, Karina (?) went ‘who knows where’, and Lowell doesn’t appear as tho he will be a factor, all fidgets, twidgets, and fears can be fully concentrated on Ike.
    The only reason that the forecasters don’t know where he will make landfall is that HE doesn’t even know where he will make landfall! (He just hasn’t decided yet.)
    Sometimes I get the feeling that these hurricanes ‘sit out there’ absorbing all of the panic they’re ‘creating’ by their indecisiveness, and then strike out quickly in another direction to see if they can cause a different group of people to go berserk. (Chuckling all the way, of course!)
    I went to your link to the wind speeds. Added it to my ‘idea’ section for a post I will likely to do on Friday in re Ike.

  2. LOL!!! at Goldenrod! Yes, I can absolutely picture hurricanes as maliciously snickering as they wait for the tension to build. Ike’s doing a fine job onstage just now…

  3. I can’t wait until Ike comes ashore. Maybe we can send all these dumb ‘reporters’ to the shore where the storm surge hits, and have them report on how awesome a 24-foot tall wall of water looks as it is barrelling down on them. 🙂

  4. Anchor: Hey, whats-your-name, how does it feel being being out in a big storm?
    Reporter: :glub-glub:
    Anchor: Oh well… Next up – LIVE from inside a closed car, our new weather-babe candidate!

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