Teens, time, and trying to earn a buck

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  1. There’s no question in my mind that flipping burgers at McDonald’s teaches more life skills than knocking heads on the football field or studying Trig until midnight.
    But I think those skills are secondary to learning and playing. American kids need to catch up academically with those from leading countries and working unnecessary minimum wage jobs interferes with that.
    There’s also the question of what kids will do with the money they earn. Not all of it goes for “socially desirable” purposes and very little goes toward necessities.
    Better, I think, to hit the books and, when that gets to be too much, relax by playing sports or hanging out with friends.

  2. Also do not forget that college’s are far more impressed by kids that do lots of afterschool activities. Got a 15yo in 3 different afterschool groups, plus Band & Drama. Takes up about 10-15 hours a week, even more if he has a Marching Band competition.

  3. I believe that colleges look for a certain amount of after school activity to begin with, not necessarily a ratio of school clubs or jobs. Then depending on what types of classes and grades you had they look more critically at your after school activity.
    My college experience left me thinking I should have had more homework in high school. I was able to have a job and kept one activity that I was really interested in, but looking at the shock of college homework, I think there should have been more to prepare me.
    But just saying ”homework” is vague. If in high school you get a lot of papers to write, but are going to be a math/science major, then you may not feel very prepared. Or if you didn’t have many papers to write but do in college, then the same feeling could happen. Also, the difficulty of the homework is a factor in being helpful. If in high school you still spend a lot of time on geography class just coloring maps, that only does so much for you for college prep. So having 3 hours of homework a night might be ideal to help you for college, but it really depends on what you are having to do. Maybe in the case of an easy homework load, having lots of after school activities prepares you better for being organized.
    Having lots of activities looks nice compared to having none. Having something related to your major or career field looks even better, and so does having very few activities but ones that you can show you were very involved in. Colleges know at some point that you can really only “participate” in so many things, but being a “member” has no limit.

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