Hey! Texas! Guess how our taxes will be spent for the next decade or so…..
Texas officials had no right to remove about 460 children from a polygamist sect, the state Supreme Court ruled Thursday.
Can’t think of a single other thing I’d rather see the government do with my dollars than defend itself from the lawsuits that are going to flood the system.
Well done. Absolutely freakin’ brilliant.
Heck with the taxes. What’s going on with this DNA test? Floridians don’t know how to vote. Now Texans can’t figure out how to give kids back to the parents. Do you think Jay Leno will joke about the dumb Texans for next couple years. You’ve earn it! Also I have no proof. But I can’t help but feel this whole thing is political and was done in a hurry to damage Mit Romey. I know Mr. Romey is not part of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. But most people do not know the different between them and the Mormon church. If so it could explain alot.
This whole FLDS raid is just one big joke, this is what happens when rules, the law, and peoples Constitutional rights are violated. Now I dont know if there were underage girls marrying older men or not, but to kidnap 400+ children based on one phone call that was supposedly from one, yes ONE, of the houses on that ranch to justify taking every single child from every single house and parent on that huge property; that is some messed up stuff. And of course now we know that the call was fake and from some woman in Utah, I guess the police did not look at the caller ID when some woman with a Utah area code was claiming to be 16 year old girl in east Texas. They say it has cost Texas Tax payers over 7million dollars so far for this whole debacle. Its an outrage. Glad the courts ordered the kids back, time the cps were put in their place.
I wonder what would happen, if someone called CPS and told them (anonymously, of course) that someone was holding, oh, somewhat over 400 children against their will, and in defiance of a court order to the contrary.
Would they launch a raid on themselves? Would they just go around and around in their spinny chairs?
LOL!!!! at EdT! Indeed — a great idea!
Wait, you mean “Think of the children” isn’t the right idea here?
Let’s kind of analyze this:
* If one kid was hurt due to the CPS taking the time to investigate, the CPS gets sued.
* if it turns out that only some of the kids were in danger, then the CPS gets sued.
* if no one was in danger then the CPS gets sued.
(Stupid) Solution:
CPS should never do any thing as it is cheaper to have one kid’s parents sue then to have dozens do it.