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  1. Is there a means of setting up a page on your website that would allow all of the Algiers residents who got out and are on the internet to register themselves and therefore allow us to make a demand to return based on a list of good people that want to check on loved ones, homes and pets.
    There is no reason other than the same BS beurocracy that kept the response help out in the first place that is keeping us out of Algiers to check on our loved ones. My 74 year old father is till there and I can’t believe that he may have rode out the storm ok and now will dehydrate or starve because of a beaurocratic decision that makes no sense. Algiers is DRY. If Hefferson can go back in, why should Algiers be kept our if they can prove them are from Algiers.

  2. i feel lucky to have found this sight, quite by accident . I am in tampa with friends and it sure is good to know about Algiers. I live in Tall Timbers closer to the front and Gen. DeGaulle. Has any body been back to that section?

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