The True Spirit of Christmas

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  1. So funny we were thinking the same thing at the same time. I just came down here to the computer to send a message to someone that means so much to me that I neglect to express how deep my bond and love is. All the people we know are a part of who we are.
    Life is to short to miss this opportunity to tell people we love them. We may be gone tomorrow ….
    Grace….to you …

  2. I was wondering what photo you had to illustrate your theme. However, sometimes a thousand words (or even a hundred) are worth a picture 🙂
    Merry Xmas.

  3. U-Know…. you’re so right. Life’s too short altogether, and opportunities to reach out (or back) have to be taken, or lost forever.
    EdT — Merry Christmas to you too! All the joy of the Season! (I’m trying really hard to get into the spirit, but the house is a danged mess!!!) No photo for this one, though. I needed words today…

  4. I love this: “. . . there are no spiritual contradictions unless we insist upon them.” It wasn’t until just a couple years ago that another angle on the “true” meaning of Christmas was explained to me. Christmas is about EmmanuelGod with us. God loved us so much he became human to connect with us, and in Christmas we celebrate that through Jesus’ birth. I do believe that God = Jesus = Love, and we can find God in all places–yes, in the Jesus story, but also in the decorations, the gift giving, the friend and family time and the celebration as a whole. All are welcome. No judgment or finger pointing necessary.
    I didn’t mean to get preachy. You just hit home for me!

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