Sarah Palin’s social conservatism is very far from my own views. But so are those of many of my friends. From my perspective,one’s personal beliefs are one’s own; they should not be forced upon the citizenry by its government.
Thus, I’m extremely curious about Palin’s view of government in social issues or religious questions, and whether she thinks national policy should align with her beliefs (and those who share them).
Since there’s so very little factual information out there about her, I pounced on this piece from the AP today (via YahooNews): “Palin has not pushed creation science as governor“.
Great title! I’m hopeful as I start reading.
As a candidate for governor, Sarah Palin called for teaching creationism alongside evolution in public schools. But after Alaska voters elected her, Palin, now Republican John McCain’s presidential running mate, kept her campaign pledge to not push the idea in the schools.
Whoops! That really didn’t work for me. She called for it, but also made a pledge to not push it? There seem to be some holes in this narrative.
In fact, she seems to have been all over the map, suggesting that schools should teach both, but then saying it should just be permitted as part of a discussion if it comes up in a class. (FWIW — I’m okay with teaching both; one as science, and the other as part of a broader social sciences curriculum (a la “major religions of the world”). But I’m not running for national office…)
And then I came across this later paragraph in the same article:
Palin said during her 2006 gubernatorial campaign that if she were elected, she would not push the state Board of Education to add creation-based alternatives to the state’s required curriculum, or look for creationism advocates when she appointed board members.
Great. In the same article — one of the very few I’ve seen, btw, that addresses the question of her religious convictions and politics — I’m presented with conflicting information.
The problem with the press these days isn’t that they “lean left” or are “pushing their candidate”. It’s because they can’t put a coherent article together on a single subject.
What’s the answer here, dang it? Did she or didn’t she? Does she or doesn’t she?
Because when it comes to national office, I want to know: will she or won’t she?
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