Is it over in Iraq?

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  1. Sure, it’s not like we succesfully removed Saddam and put him on trial, held elections with huge turnout, seated a gov’t, established a constitution by referendum, held another election with even bigger turnout, trained 275,000 troops, and face no major strategic military threats to the current government. And it’s not like Iraqis now enjoy more political freedom, according to the Index of Political Freedom, than any other countries in the region excepting Israel and Lebanon.
    Because if we’d accomplished all that, surely it would be hailed a success.

  2. TallDave —
    Why… you’re quite right! And since things are so wonderful, why… then… our troops should all be home any day now. Right?
    (editing to close the [snark] tag)
    Sorry, TD — that was far stronger than I usually respond here.  What I should have said is that the civil disorder there is paralyzing the government;  that there are very few Iraqi troops trained to the point of independent function;  that the Sunni v Shi’ite rifts are opening doors to external players with grudges and ambition.
    All is not well, and as far as I can tell (from here, obviously, and not there in a trench or bunker or tank), it’s not improving.  Nor for the citizens, and not for their government.   The only semi-bright spot I’ve seen is that American troops are far less of a target nowadays, as the focus on one another between the sects picks up speed.  We’re superfluous.

  3. Best plan might be to dress up our military in Iranian uniforms… let the Iraqis turn their anger on Iran & take care of *that* mess for us while we slowly back away..

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