In a ground-breaking move Thursday, the Texas Senate passed a bill approving new license plates that read “Choose Wife” — thus allowing Texans to publicly display their concern for high divorce rates in the state.
The bill now moves to the House. If it passes there, concerned Texans will be able to order the metallic bumper stickers plates as soon as this fall. Like all vanity plates, they will cost more than the dry, boring, non-politicized plates, but ten percent of the higher cost will go toward Texans massive unpaid child support payments — a goal we can all agree on.
More on this bill, and related supporting legislation, can be found here at The Moderate Voice.
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These may become a hot item among Texas lesbians.
LOL, John!
This story irked me so much, I had to write from a much different perspective to avoid the rant. Unfortunately, I doubt anybody’ll get it.
Oh, I got it OK… 🙂
zOMG, the commenters over at TMV think this is NO SH*T FOR REAL! I can’t believe it! And you even categorized it as “Satire”! I have almost peed myself I am wanting to laugh so hard!!!
Ed — Yes, they clearly didn’t know what to make of it. Same at the Chron, I think, considering the lack of comments on what I usually think of as a major hot-button topic.
The TMV crowd, btw, weren’t alone.
I’m still unsure if this qualifies as public or as private speech, and while I think it comes closer to government endorsement of an official opinion, I’m reluctant to really condemn it altogether. Still, the double meaning should be explored in greater detail, particularly among those who will be beset by it.