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  1. Let’s make things worse because we are mad at the Republican’s.
    I fear that teaching the Republican’s a lesson may be the worst thing for our country. The Dems have no values, ideas or leadership and in the middle of a war for our future I don’t think that’s the direction our country should go.

  2. It’s a moot point; it’s a gov’t of gridlock, indecision and bad compromise. All I want is a refund and I’ll go away. We the People are our own leadership. We’d do a lot better with less Gov’t leadership. “The Dems have no values”, except anti-Christian values. Cling to your own values; you don’t need gov’t with values and you certainly don’t need gov’t farkling with or dictating it’s values to you. What we desperately need is a “None of The Above” choice when voting; under my proposal if “None of The Above” won, the position would go unfilled and would have to be voted on again within 6 months. If “None of The Above” won twice, the position would be eliminated and the budget for that position would be refunded to the taxpayers.

  3. I don’t understand this generalization. “The Dems have no values.” Who says? Do you know every single democrat? And just because some might not hold your specific values doesn’t mean they don’t have any of their own. And who says that all democrats aren’t Christian or are even anti-Christian? I could just as easily say that all Republicans are ignorant and war-hungry, but that would be extremely wrong and unfair. Sorry – that’s the one thing that bothers me the most.

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